co-creating an exciting future

We’re a group of business engineers working to create a bright future that’s filled with smiling faces.
Each and every one of us is keenly aware of the changes facing society and we confront these societal issues by improving ourselves on a daily basis.
Some of the areas that we’re focused on are strategic consulting, systems development, operations, and manufacturing.
Working hand-in-hand with stakeholders across various industries, we’ll continue to learn and utilize the latest technologies to help pioneer the future.


岡本 俊介 Shunsuke Okamoto
代表取締役社長 兼 最高経営責任者(CEO)
Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
岡本 俊介
Shunsuke Okamoto




多くの仲間達と共に、宇宙船 Trive 号に乗り込みフロンティアトリップを楽しみましょう

The world is changing at a dizzying pace, and no one can predict what lies ahead, that’s why it’s so exciting, that’s why it’s so thrilling, so hop on board the Trive spaceship and let’s go explore it together!

Trive 起業の想い


10代の頃、音楽に夢中でHIP HOPカルチャーにのめり込んでいました。











Why I started Trive

“Lighting the creative fire in those we haven’t met yet.”

When I was a student, I was obsessed with music, throughout my teens I was obsessed with hip hop culture. I spent every day working on being a DJ and making music. I wanted more and more people to listen to me DJ! I wanted more and more people to listen to my music! Because I had that drive, I sent demo tapes to all sorts of record companies.

However, reality came crashing down and there weren’t any offers to DJ and none of my demos got a reaction… It was a time when I was really frustrated…Then, an artist that I respected told me, “You just gotta do it on your own.” What he said inspired me to make my own playground.

So, I started organizing my own events and started my own indie record label. It was both interesting and fun. I was doing the producing, marketing, and sales, all on my own, just by watching others do it. As time went on, more and more people started to support me, I made some friends, and gradually the music I had dreamed of making started to get more popular.

One time, after a concert, some of the guys that had come to watch came up to me and they were all full of smiles and said hi. They told me that my music had inspired them to make music themselves! That’s when I realized that this playground that I’d built for myself, had lit a creative fire in someone I didn’t even know. I still can remember how good that made me feel.

I started Trive with that in mind, wanting to help spark the creativity in others. One person’s actions can be the driving force that propels someone else forward. It’s an awesome thing. This idea of motivating others is the foundation of this business. We want to motivate those close to us to create their own playground, that then motivates those close to them. That’s why I started Trive.


株式会社 Trive
Company Name
Trive, Inc.
March 1st, 2018
東京都港区港南2-16-1 品川イーストワンタワー4F
Shinagawa East One Tower 4F, 2-16-1 Konan, Minato-Ku, Tokyo, Japan, 108-0075
横浜メディア・ビジネスセンター 7F
Yokohama DX Concierge Center, Yokohama Media Business Center 7F, 2-23 Otamachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan, 231-0011
Hayama Satellite Office, 1905 Shimoyamaguchi, Hayama, Miura, Kanagawa, Japan, 240-0116

代表取締役社長 兼 最高経営責任者(CEO)
岡本 俊介

President and CEO, Shunsuke Okamoto
20 Million Yen
710 Million Yen
  • コンサルティング
  • システム開発/運用
  • サポート/ヘルプデスク
  • ものづくり
  • 人材派遣
Business Areas
  • Consulting
  • System Development and Operations
  • Support and Help Desk
  • Manufacturing
  • Staffing/Outsourcing
  • 日本電気株式会社
  • NECフィールディング株式会社
  • NECネッツエスアイ株式会社
  • NECソリューションイノベータ株式会社
  • デロイト トーマツ ファイナンシャルアドバイザリー合同会社
  • 株式会社電通デジタル
  • 株式会社かんぽ生命保険
  • ブラザー販売株式会社
  • 公益社団法人 神奈川県薬剤師会
  • 株式会社アニメイトカフェ
  • 広島県
Notable Clients
  • NEC Corporation
  • NEC Fielding, Ltd.
  • NEC Networks & System Integration Co., Ltd.
  • NEC Solution Innovator, Ltd.
  • Deloitte Tohmatsu Financial Advisory, LLC.
  • Dentsu Digital, Inc.
  • Japan Post Insurance Co., Ltd.
  • Brother Sales Co., Ltd.
  • Kanagawa Pharmaceutical Association
  • animate cafe, Ltd.
  • Hiroshima Prefectural Government
Worker Dispatch License (Hata 13-316226)
売上比率 コンサルテイング領域 25% システム開発/運⽤領域 48% サポート/ヘルプデスク領域 4% ものづくり領域 23% Sales Ratio / Consulting 25% / System Development and Operations 48% / Support and Help Desk 4% Manufacturing 23%
Sales Ratio / Consulting 25% / System Development and Operations 48% / Support and Help Desk 4% Manufacturing 23%


岡本 俊介 Shunsuke Okamoto

代表取締役社⻑ 兼 最⾼経営責任者(CEO)
Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

岡本 俊介
Shunsuke Okamoto

起業家。2004年、早稲⽥⼤学 理⼯学部 卒業。同年、⽇本電気株式会社 (NEC) にて官公庁・⾦融セクターにおけるコンサルティング営業に従事。
ビジネスアナリストとして、主に上流⼯程におけるビジネスメイクに注⼒し、数々の超⼤規模 IT システム刷新プロジェクトを⼿がける。様々なスタートアップベンチャーのCOOを歴任し、2018年 Triveを創業。(アジア中国事情研究会 事務局⻑、⼀般社団法⼈ アジア太平洋IT⼈材⽀援協会 理事)

Mr. Okamoto is an entrepreneur, who graduated from Waseda University’s Science and Engineering department in 2004. That same year, he started working for NEC, in their government and financial sector consulting group. As a business analyst, Mr. Okamoto focuses primarily on business development and upstream processes, having worked on numerous large-scale IT system renovation projects. He’s served as the COO of several startups and founded Trive in 2018. (Currently, he is the Secretary General of the Asia-China Affairs Research Association and the Asia Pacific IT Human Resources Support Organization.)

桑原 義幸 Yoshiyuki Kuwahara, CISSP

常務執行役員社長補佐 兼 CTO (Chief Technology Officer)
Executive Vice President, CTO and Assistant CEO

桑原 義幸
Yoshiyuki Kuwahara, CISSP

元広島県情報戦略部長(2024年3月退官)。DEC, KPMG, Arthur Andersen等の米系企業にてIT分野の研究開発や経営コンサルティング業務に従事。 2003年の金融庁入庁を皮切りに会計検査院、原子力規制委員会、福岡市などの情報部門責任者として要職を歴任。 2011年広島県CIOに就任し、退官までの13年間で同県をデジタル先進県へと導いた。 (NECエグゼクティブストラテジスト、広島県技術顧問(CTO)、(株)ArteVisione&Co. 代表取締役)

  • 2017年:ISLA(Information Security Leadership Achievement) Award受賞
  • 公認情報システムセキュリティプロフェッショナル(CISSP)
  • (一社)日本アート教育振興会認定アートマインドコーチング®︎ アドバンスコーチ
  • (一社)日本アート教育振興会認定 五感アート思考コーチ

Prior to joining Trive, Mr. Kuwahara served as Hiroshima prefecture's Director of Information Strategy and prior to that, he did IT R&D and management consulting for international companies like DEC, KPMG, and Arthur Andersen. Throughout his career, Mr. Kuwahara has held key positions in the IT departments for the Financial Services Agency, Government of Japan, The Board of Audit of Japan, The Nuclear Regulation Authority, Japan, and the city of Fukuoka. In 2011, he was appointed the CIO of Hiroshima prefecture. He then spent the next 13 years helping turn Hiroshima into a leader in the digital sphere. (NEC Executive Strategist, Technical Advisor (CTO) for Hiroshima Prefecture, President and CEO of ArteVisione & Co.)

  • 2017: Received the ISLA (Information Security Leadership Achievement) Award.
  • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP).
  • Certified Advanced Coach in Art Mind Coaching® by the Japan Art Education Promotion Association.
  • Certified Five Senses Art Thinking Coach by the Japan Art Education Promotion Association.
服藤 恵三 Keizo Harafuji, Ph.D.


Photo by The Asahi Shimbun Company

Technical Strategy Advisor

服藤 恵三
Keizo Harafuji, Ph.D.

元 警視庁科学捜査研究所研究員。地下鉄サリン事件でサリンを最初に同定。初代科学捜査官(1996)。和歌山毒物混入カレー事件等、全国で発生した多くの事件捜査に科学的立証の立場から貢献。日本警察で初めて「捜査支援」構想を企画・立案・運営。初代警視庁犯罪捜査支援室長(2003)。数多の捜査支援用資機材・各種解析手法を開発。日本警察における「科学と捜査の融合」を具現化。警視庁捜査第三課理事官・科捜研理事官・刑事部主席鑑定官、警察庁刑事局調査官などを歴任。元警視長。(医学博士、最高検察庁 参与、警察庁捜査支援分析業務検討会議 参与)

Dr. Harafuji has worked as a former researcher at the Forensic Science Lab for the Tokyo Metro Police Department. Throughout his career, he has contributed to many investigations throughout Japan, including the poisoned curry incident in Wakayama and the Tokyo Subway Sarin Attack, where he was the first to identify the sarin. Throughout his career, he’s been a trailblazer in the field of forensic science. He was the first chief of forensic investigations in the Tokyo Metro Police Department (1996), the first director of the Criminal Intelligence Support Office (2003), a director at the Forensic Science Lab, a senior analyst in the Criminal Investigation Bureau for the Tokyo Metro Police Department, a senior advisor for the Criminal Affairs Bureau for the National Police Agency, and a former commissioner. In these roles, he’s made numerous contributions, including the drafting and implementation of the “Criminal Intelligence Support” concept now used in the Japanese police force, the development of investigative support equipment and analytical methods, while also helping to realize the fusion of “science and investigation” in the Japanese police force. (Ph.D., Supreme Public Prosecutors Advisor, National Police Agency Criminal Intelligence Support Analyst, and Operations Review Council Advisor)

岡本 俊夫 Toshio Okamoto


岡本 俊夫
Toshio Okamoto

1966年、早稲田大学大学院 理工学研究科 電気工学専攻修士修了。同年、日本電気株式会社(NEC)に入社。日本の宇宙開発の黎明期から、宇宙開発事業部、 無線事業本部にて、「科学衛星」、「ひまわり」、「海洋観測衛星1号」、「アラブサット TTC&M」や「放送衛星3号機」など多くの人工衛星の設計、製造、打上運用やプロジェクトの管理など技術戦略を牽引。元 NEC日本電気航空宇宙システム 取締役。

In 1966, Mr. Okamoto received his master’s degree in electrical engineering from the Graduate School of Science and Engineering at Waseda University. After graduating, he joined NEC, where he, since the dawn of Japan’s space program, has led the design, manufacturing, launch operation, project management, and technical strategies for many of Japan’s satellites, including the Himawari Ocean Observation Satellite-1, ARABSAT TTC&M, and Broadcasting Satellite-3, in both the Space Development Division and Wireless Business Division. He is also a former director of NEC’s Aerospace Systems.

草場 英仁 Hidekazu Kusaba, CISSP

Security Advisor

草場 英仁
Hidekazu Kusaba, CISSP

大手システム会社からベンチャー企業、ペネトレーション会社を経験。セキュリティ事業の立ち上げ、セキュリティコンサルティング業務に従事。警察庁サイバーフォース訓練講師、世界最大のハッカーカンファレンス「ブラックハット」公式トレーナー、東京大学大学院 協力研究員、東京電機大学 フェロー/Cysec講師などを歴任。

Deep down I'm a unix' sysadmin with strong focus on programming and security.
I have worked, and continue to work, in both software and exploit development. I have also designed and taught courses in secure coding.

Selected Publications (in Japanese):

  • Cyber Security Strategy for Litigation and Compliance (NTT Publishing, 2015).
  • “The True Security Strategy that Understands Attackers,” Defense 53 (2015).
  • “Security Strategy for M2M Military Systems,” Defense 52 (2014).
  • Protecting Businesses from Cyber Attacks: A Guide to Security Assessment Service (NTT Publishing, 2013).


  • HP Pwn2Own Hacking Contest Android Division 2013, 2014
  • DefCon Network Forensic Contest 4th Place, 2010
  • ISLA IT Security Practitioner (Asia Pacific Information Security Leadership Achievements), 2010
  • DefCon Immunity Network Offense Professional (NOP), 2008

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